Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Even tone disappointment

Rx for Brown Skin

I keep trying products from this line hoping to fall in love. It was made by an African-American female, Dr. Susan Taylor and I want to support her since I haven't heard of any other dark-skinned scientist (Carol's Daughter isn't scientific), making products specifically targeting dark skinned women.
I really like the Bright and Even Exfoliating toner she makes

unlike most toners, it really does seem to "normalize " my face if I start getting crazy acne, other than that, not so impressed.
It seems to be just another cosmetic line.
I was initially excited about the Naturally Flawless Advanced Botanical Brightener because it was a brightener specifically targeted for brown skinned persons that might actually lighten some of those dark spots that form after you get a pimple.

I had better luck with the Olay Definity Foaming Moisturizer.

It actually not only fades spots, but makes you glow, as the ad claims! Sis told me about this, but she got the hydrating cream that comes in a jar, but they both have the same ingredients and work exactly the same. Just a little sticky is my only complaint so I use it at night.
Even then only a couple of nights a week, this stuff REALLY makes you lighter, and I want to have an even complexion with the rest of my body, which is why I went to Rx in the first place.
I also tried the Bright and Even Exfoliating Cleanser (neutrogena works just as well), and the sunscreen, which despite it's claims, leaves chalky and white residue on my face which can be seen on dark skin.
I guess I could try the virtual peel kit, but I'm so over this line...
I'm more into the Boscia, Bobbi Brown and Shiseido, the Skincare lines now. Though I keep saying I'm going to go organic. These lines really make skin super soft, clean without stripping. Things you can't get with most drugstore lines. I just actually see and feel a difference in some of those that I haven't with the Rx line.

more to come on Boscia, Bobbi Brown and Shiseido lines, didn't mean for this to be a multiple review, but sometimes have to mention other products for comparisons....